Better air means better buildings
Drastically improve Indoor Air Quality with ADB
The quality of the indoor air you breathe has a dramatic impact on your health. The ability to disinfect and cleanse the air can severely mitigate illness-causing pathogens for everyone in the building. "Indoor air quality" refers to the purity of the air in a specified area. It is determined by the level of dust, suspended particles and pollutants that are present. IAQ can affect the health and wellness of anyone breathing the air.
Poor ventilation is typically the most common issue in unhealthy buildings. These buildings can become a haven for disease-causing pathogens. The pandemic resulted in new, more stringent guidelines regulating the quality of indoor air and as such, updating ventilation can be a very expensive and time-consuming process. However, our technology can help.
Utilizing an Air Disinfection Biosecurity (ADB - patent pending) system can drastically mitigate known pathogens (viruses, bacteria) as well as toxic and damaging mold and spores. ADB reduces your building's overall bioburden. These systems utilize the existing HVAC system, or can be used as standalone, portable devices to provide continuous, safe, proactive disinfection in the air and on surfaces.
Building managers must address IAQ to create the healthiest environment possible for occupants and workers.

"Your physician may have less of a role in day-to-day well-being than the facilities manager where you work."
-The Harvard Gazette, Source
Absenteeism and the cost
A 2015 article states that workplace absenteeism costs the US about $225 billion annually. During the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, this cost was certainly much higher.
According to the Harvard Business Review, employees who work when they are sick are costing employers about $150-$250 billion, or 60 percent of the total cost of worker illness.
Absenteeism is also a major issue in schools. The US Department of Education has called chronic absenteeism "a hidden educational crisis." According to the DoE, about one in six children was chronically absent in 2015-16. Chronic absenteeism has shown to severely affect the performance of these students.
This is also an issue for teachers. The annual cost of teacher absenteeism is estimated at $25.2 billion. Research has found that being taught by a substitute for 10 days in a school year has a larger impact on math scores than changing schools.
Preventable illnesses are only one of the many factors that contribute to absenteeism in workers, students and teachers. But this is one area where we can help. Tackling this problem with a comprehensive anti-pathogen program and implementing measures such as ADB can help mitigate pathogen spread to provide a safer environment that should lead to fewer illnesses.

An evolving problem
The world around us is constantly changing. We'll always be seeing new challenges to overcome, and new problems with the need to create new solutions. This is especially true when dealing with disease-causing pathogens.
Many common contaminants are are caused by airtight construction/poor ventilation, pollution, dust in carpet and furniture fibers, humidity, and other people. These contaminants can cause many undesirable outcomes: headaches, allergic reactions, respiratory infections, to name just a few.
To combat these issues, you need a solution that not only can do the job now, but will stand the test of time. ADB has been proven in lab settings to eliminate known pathogens significantly faster and more effectively than many other methods currently found in the marketplace. And unlike systems that utilize UVC, our ADB units are perfectly safe for occupied spaces. With proper maintenance, ADB will continuously sanitize your space for many years to come.